Our Route

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I think it is my turn to say hi and write my first ever blog post!

Time is definitely passing quickly and there is a whole lot of studying, shopping and packing that’s got to happen in the next 2 weeks. As Emily mentioned, my last exam is about 24 hours before our flight leaves to Peru, so yes- save the date- there is some Montreal fun to be had on the 25th!

Today is a convenient day to write my first blog (okay, I kind of planned it like this) - because I went skydiving! It was my first time. We jumped from 13,500 feet, free falling for 50 seconds, and then coasted down on the parachute for about 8 minutes. The free falling is fast, but you don’t get that rollercoaster stomach-dropping sensation. I highly recommend the experience!

So two weeks today, Emily and I will be boarding another slightly bigger plane. I am getting really excited for Peru, but there are a bunch of things I am nervous about (I happen to have had a lecture on parasites, malaria and other fun things in the past week). But, all in all I know it is going to be the best experience. I am excited to post all about everywhere we go and have a travel journal at the end for Emily and I. While I have not spent much time reading about our destinations, I plan on printing some wikitravel stuff out for the plane rides.

Speak to you soon...from Peru!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Two Weeks Tomorrow!!

It is crazy how fast the days are going. Two weeks tomorrow we will be on our way to Miami before catching our connecting flight to Lima, Peru. That means I have about fourteen showers left before I go. Why is this relevant? Well as someone whose hair is quite high maintenance, I have that many showers to figure out what products I need and which I can live without while backpacking. My prediction is that I bring conditioner and a bit of gel. I heard that I can leave the conditioner in my hair as a way to calm it down when other products aren't available. I also plan to have a MAJOR haircut before going... maybe as much as 5 inches.

Anyways, with Lisa and I still in school/summer school we have not made any plans to have a going away party... unfortunately I doubt we will have the time since Lisa's exam is the day before we go. BUT if we do it will be on the 25th so keep that day open people.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

16 days ish

With our trip to Peru just a few short weeks away, Lisa and I felt we should create a blog to document our adventures. Obviously I jumped on the idea and spent my afternoon creating this blog: 8000 ft above. The title represents the amount of feet (real number is 7,970) above sea level we will be at when we finally reach Macchu Pichu on the last leg of our adventure.

There are still tons of things to do and buy before we leave but medically speaking we are pretty much prepared. Last month, we headed to the CHUM travel clinic where we had some vaccines. Lisa who was up to date with her shots only needed one: Yellow Fever, I on the other hand needed four. I got the injections in both arms (one arm twice) and even one in my thigh! Can't complain though because from what I heard Polio and Hepatitis A are way more painful to have than the shots. We have also filled prescriptions for Malaria, Altitude Sickness and something else I can't remember the name of. Today though, we took an oral vaccine called Dukoral that we mixed ourselves. The concoction tasted like raspberry tonic water. It was originally fizzing white so I took a picture but as soon as the flash went, the glass was back to boring old water. I shall post the pic anyways:
On another less medical note, some of my exciting and slightly expensive pre-trip purchases include a backpacking knapsack (hopefully from my father), hiking boots (present from wicked-stepmom joy) and laundry detergent sheets (tiny sheets of paper looking material that when placed in water dissolves into detergent...a fun travel toy discovered by mom). Still lots to buy including hiking pants, polar fleece gear, long-underwear, tons of cosmetics, raincoat, etc.

BUT, most importantly, Lisa and I need a new photo for this blog since the one above is from 2006 :s