Our Route

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Frozen Margaritas

So yesterday was officially ONE WEEK until Peru and I have spent the last few days trying to buy everything on my list. I thought I was nearly ready to depart after going to two Walmarts and my third trip to Mountain Equipment Co-op BUT after Lisa and I sat down together and compiled a giant list, there still seems like lots and lots to buy or at least prepare. Our list is literally 50 things long not including clothing.
Anyways I will not bore you with any more details about our packing. I wish I had more exciting things to write about but since my exam Friday, I have barely left the house. Last night however, Lisa and I got together for a little one week countdown celebration. We decided to be really festive and make ourselves some frozen Margaritas from scratch. Our lime-strawberry mix was super delicious and though we had to sub the margarita glass for some martini ones, I think we both a future in bar-tending in case the doctor and journalist thing doesn't work out.

P.S. - SIX DAYSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know... you should feel special. Me and Caroline both stayed in camp while every other supervisor went out, so we could do essays/study... and here we are, in our strictly self-imposed limited break time, checking out your blog.

    Have fun in Peru, hope to see you guys before you go.
